
12″ 1035 Disc Bearing Hinge

Original price was: $264.00.Current price is: $198.00.

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  • Disc-Bearing hinges are made for doors with an opening frequency of fewer than 25 times per day.
  • Richards-Wilcox recommends that your selected hinge length is equal to 1/3 of your total door width. 

The 12″ 1035 standard strap is a full surface disc-bearing steel strap hinge with an offset pintle to be mounted on the opening frame. It can also be set back on the face of a wall so the door can clear the doorway. The standard strap hinge is made of steel construction with a powder coat finish, while the pintle pin and bearings are zinc plated. The 12″ 1035 strap hinge comes with a pintle secured with a cotter pin. Fasteners are not included.

Additional information

Weight 7 lbs

Pebble Tan Powder Coat, Black Powder Coat